International political discourse is greatly shaped and influenced by social media. The following are some connections between politics and social media:1. Rapid information dissemination: Social media platforms are effective means of disseminating information quickly. Politicians and political parties communicate with the public directly using social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter rather than through traditional media outlets.2. Engagement and mobilization: Politicians can interact with voters, residents, and supporters directly through social media. Politicians may react swiftly to events and rally support for their causes using the real-time interaction platform it offers.

3. Election campaigns: Political campaigns now heavily rely on social media. Candidates use platforms to disseminate their policies, connect with a larger audience, and send messages specifically to target groups. The influence of social media on political campaigns has been shown by the 2016 U.S. presidential election and other elections that followed in different nations.4. Analysis of public opinion and sentiment: Social media offers a wealth of information for studying public opinion and sentiment. Politicians and analysts can adjust their strategy accordingly by using tools to monitor social media conversations and determine the public's mood towards different problems.

5. False information and false news: Misinformation and fake news can also proliferate due to the quick information sharing on social media. False narratives have a swift way of spreading, swaying public opinion and sometimes even having an impact on election results. The fight against false information on social media has gained considerable attention.6. Political activism and movements: Social media has been instrumental in planning, advancing, and coordinating social movements and political activism. Social media platforms have been utilized by movements such as the Arab Spring, Black Lives Matter, and #MeToo to increase public awareness, rally supporters, and plan of action.

7. Polarization and echo chambers: Social media algorithms frequently contribute to the formation of echo chambers, in which people are exposed to information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs. This can contribute to political polarization because people may become isolated from different points of view and only interact with people who share their beliefs.8. Policy feedback and public input: Citizens can use social media to express their views on policies and government actions. Politicians and policymakers can use social media to get direct feedback from the public, but the challenge is differentiating between genuine input and organized manipulation.

9. Crisis communication: Politicians and public servants can interact with the public directly through social media during a crisis, offering information, direction, and comfort. It does, however, make handling false information during these kinds of events more difficult.In conclusion, social media and politics have a complicated relationship that has both advantages and disadvantages. Although it improves mobilization, engagement, and communication, it also brings up issues with false information, divisiveness, and possible public opinion manipulation. Social media's influence on politics will probably continue to be a hot topic for debate and in-depth study as it develops.